Here you will find an overview of all the software, apps and tools I use to write, program, analyze, design and work.
Small side note: Some of the links below are so-called affiliate links. This means that if you buy something through that link, I will receive a small compensation at no extra cost to you and without the price changing. It’s a great way to support Rockets are cool.
General things | Data Science | Everyday | Productivity | Web development | Education
General things
Browsing, surfing, you name it
Dropbox – Everyone needs cloud storage, right?
Google Chrome – Still the best browser out there. Although Arc is doing a real good job.
MacBook Pro – I like Apple products
iPhone – Did I mention I loved Apple?
Gmail – Still the best email service
1password – It is impossible to remember your password for all sites and accounts, which is why a password manager is a must. 1password works best for me.
NordVPN – I can’t work and live without a VPN, and NordVPN is the best in my opinion. 1 Fans of Rockets are cool now receive a whopping 68% discount. Only if you click on this link.
NetNewsWire – Just a decent RSS reader that does what it should do
Malwarebytes – For me the best way to protect myself from suffering Malware and other digital discomfort.
Data Science
Software, libraries and models I use
Python – High-level, general-purpose programming language
SQL – Language used to manage data, especially in a relational database management system
Microsoft Excel – Spreadsheet for simple calculations
Numpy – Python library for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices
Pandas – Python library for data manipulation and analysis
Beautiful Soup – Python package for parsing HTML and XML documents (webscraping)
Pytorch – a machine learning library, used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing
Docker – virtualisation product to deliver software in containers
ChatGPT – a chatbot and virtual assistant developed by OpenAI
TensorFlow – a free and open-source software library for machine learning and artificial intelligence
The physical stuff
Apple MacBook Pro – 2023 version with M2 chip
SAMSUNG Curved Computer Monitor – I have 2 of them
iQunix A80 Gaming Keyboard – I really like it that you have to push the buttons
Razer Barracuda – My headset
Logitech MX Master 3S – I love this mouse!
Grovemade Desk Shelf – So beautiful made
YouTube and Film gear
Everything I need to film and edit
iPhone 14 – For b-rolls and as a camera for on the go
Canon 90D – A bit expensive, but well worth it
Neewer Softbox set – Good lighting for a reasonable price
Rode microphone – Perfect for hand-held filming
Neewer handheld system – Completely unnecessary, but I thought it was so cool
Simple tripod – Good stand for my iPhone
Clapboard – A bit of a nerdy thing
Adobe Premier Pro – The best editing software you can find
Depositphotos – when I need a good photo
To work effectively
Fantastical – Finally a calendar that works exactly the way my head works. And it still looks nice too. 2Get a whopping 75% (!) discount now if you take out a subscription.
Raycast – Such a typical tool of which you do not see the value at first, but once you use it properly you can no longer do without it
Things 3 – The best todo app you will ever buy
Leuchtturm 1917 – For all handwritten notes and the occasional Bullet Journaling
CleanMyMac – For the necessary spring cleaning of your Mac
Notion – My new favorite tool when it comes to taking digital notes and building a personal knowledge system
Cardhop – A nice address book for the Mac. From the makers of Fantastical
Web development
Tools to create websites
If you’re curious about all the tools I use to make this website, please check the tools stack page.
You are never too old to learn
365datascience – Great courses on learning data analytics and data science
Skillshare – Great courses for almost any subject. I have already learned a lot and can highly recommend it. You get a whopping 30% discount if you sign up now via this link.
Khan Academy – Where would I be without the Khan Academy?
Brilliant – A fun and interactive way to learn math or data science
Storytel – I love to listen to a good book while traveling. 3 A nice bonus especially for Rockets are cool readers. Buy 1 get 3 months!