Behind the blog
Edition 1: How to boost up the speed?

Behind the blog

In this article I write about CDN, caching and web vitals to boost up the speed.

Mar 9, 25
10 minutes
Newsletter #7
Newsletter #7

Predict the future

In this new edition of Rocket launch, the newsletter of Rockets are cool, I write about my predictions and my AI model.

Oct 17, 24
2 minutes
How to create a good Github profile?
Create an impressive CV

Github: How to create a good profile?

In this explainer I will be talking all about GitHub and I am going to be walking through some strategies to make your GitHub profile look more impressive to employers.

Sep 24, 24
11 minutes
The memberships are live!

Rockets are cool Plus

A note that the memberships are finally live. Become a Patreon of Rockets are cool and support my work heren.

Aug 19, 24
3 minutes

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A new name
Some small changes

A new name

A note about the new name of the website and the reason why I changed it.

Jun 7, 24
4 minutes
Back to how it was
Newsletter #6

Back to how it was

In this sixth edition of the newsletter, I write about the newsletter itself and why things go back to the way they were.

Feb 24, 24
4 minutes
Q&A friday
Everything you always wanted to know

Q&A Friday

A blog post entirely dedicated to all your questions and off course, my answers.

Jan 19, 24
7 minutes
Year in Review (sort of)
Ups and downs in 2023

Year in Review (sort of)

Here is my Year in Review, which is a great way to summon the high and lows for 2023.

Dec 27, 23
4 minutes
Behind the blog
Edition 1: How to boost up the speed?

Behind the blog

In this article I write about CDN, caching and web vitals to boost up the speed.

Mar 9, 25
10 minutes
Newsletter #7
Newsletter #7

Predict the future

In this new edition of Rocket launch, the newsletter of Rockets are cool, I write about my predictions and my AI model.

Oct 17, 24
2 minutes
How to create a good Github profile?
Create an impressive CV

Github: How to create a good profile?

In this explainer I will be talking all about GitHub and I am going to be walking through some strategies to make your GitHub profile look more impressive to employers.

Sep 24, 24
11 minutes
Rockets are cool runs entirely on the generous support and donations from readers. I am grateful for every contribution.
Read more
The memberships are live!

Rockets are cool Plus

A note that the memberships are finally live. Become a Patreon of Rockets are cool and support my work heren.

Aug 19, 24
3 minutes


On Amazon you will find the most popular best-selling books about Machine Learning.
Tell me more
A new name
Some small changes

A new name

A note about the new name of the website and the reason why I changed it.

Jun 7, 24
4 minutes
Back to how it was
Newsletter #6

Back to how it was

In this sixth edition of the newsletter, I write about the newsletter itself and why things go back to the way they were.

Feb 24, 24
4 minutes
Q&A friday
Everything you always wanted to know

Q&A Friday

A blog post entirely dedicated to all your questions and off course, my answers.

Jan 19, 24
7 minutes
Year in Review (sort of)
Ups and downs in 2023

Year in Review (sort of)

Here is my Year in Review, which is a great way to summon the high and lows for 2023.

Dec 27, 23
4 minutes