On this page you will find all frequently asked questions and my answers to them.
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Rockets are cool Plus
All the questions about the membership
A membership on Rockets are cool is a perfect way to support an independent content creator. Through a small monthly contribution, I receive a continuous stream of donations that allow me to create more valuable content. For all information about pricing and perks, see the membership page.
Besides good karma and my eternal gratitude, I thank you for any kind of support on the thank you page and in the newsletter.
It’s also good to know that Plus members allows me to continue creating articles and guides and improving the quality. In addition to being a supporter of independent creators, there are even more attractive benefits you receive as a Plus member.
1. An ad-free website
2. Exclusive updates for Plus members
3. Sneak peek at current projects
4. Voting rights for titles and thumbnails
5. Discount on (upcoming) products
Plus memberships is an ongoing way of supporting me so that I have a continuing source of income and can continue to create high-quality content. Donations are one-off gifts that I can use for additional research or investments in new materials.
Yes, very much so. 😉 Thanks to donations, I can, for example, start a new project or invest extra in the further development of the channel. You can choose to buy me a coffee or pay the amount you want to spend. Many thanks for your support.
Of course, you can. It always helps if you tell others about the website. Word of mouth is very nice. And if you have any ideas, be sure to contact me to submit your idea.
Yes, that’s possible! Very gladly. Thanks to donations I can, for example, spend more time on research or invest extra in my own learning process. I am also open to business collaborations. So be sure to get in touch if you see a match or have a great idea.
If you want to adjust your amount or stop the recurring donation, please check the website where you’ve handled the donation. Check this page for Buy me a coffee and this page for Paypal.
That depends on your form of support. You can change your Plus membership in your account. Change your donations via Paypal on the website of Paypal, or on the Buymeacoffee website</a>. Crypto payments must be changed via your own Crypto Wallet.
If you can’t find it, you can always contact me.
Random questions and my answers
First off all, because they are. Period. Secondly, because I like the domain rocketsare.cool.
Yes. I am fascinated by the techniques and how they work. It is a triumph of science.
I created a special page with a form where you can give your opinion in detail. Positive and what could be better.
Yes, please! On this page, you can share your ideas, research, or tips with me.
All the data, designs, and texts on this website, newsletter, or social media profiles, is not open and free to use. A screenshot, sentence, or paragraph is fine with the caveat that you include my name and let me know. If you want to use something on your own website, newsletter, software, or whatever, then please contact me to apply for a license.
You probably mean that my sentences are crooked or that there is some incorrect English/dialect intertwined in my texts. I try very hard to write and speak as well as possible, but unfortunately, it sometimes creeps in. I am not a native English speaker. If you come across things that are not correct, I would always like to hear about it.
Check out this page where I made a list of everything I use.
Not much, except that it’s a self-invented abbreviation for Raketwetenschap, which is the Dutch word for Rocket science. I use the domain for short url’s.
At the moment I work completely independently and with great pleasure.
Although I still like Raketwetenschap, it is, off course a Dutch word and therefor difficult to pronounce and remember for non-Dutch speakers. Rockets are cool is much better to understand (I hope!)
It’s .cool ey? I really liked the .cool tld from the beginning and the way you can create .cool names, like rocketsare.cool.
Well, I have a very simple reason for that. I believe that the content I create is more important than the person who makes it. We live in an age where everybody seems the want to become insta-famous or a YouTube star or an influencer. Not me. I like to work in the shadows…
So Thijs is my real first name and that’s about all you get. Sorry.
Questions about using Rocketsare.cool
This is an experiment where I want to see if this increases the reading pleasure. By being able to read quietly and not be disturbed by links, I hope for a better experience.
And I try to prevent readers from clicking away and falling down a dark rabbit hole, never to return.
No. Sorry. There are many helpful sites and tutorials on the web. Do a Google search. Or try freecodecamp.
I did it myself. From the design to all the code in the backend. Everything by hand. Took me many months of work I can say.
Check the tool stack page for all information about what tools, apps and programming languages I use to make this site.
All questions about the newsletters
My free monthly newsletter contains a number of sections for a nice Sunday morning. You will find an update of all articles and the latest news. Besides interesting books/films/series/articles/podcasts that I came across on the web and which I think are worthwhile.
In addition, I occasionally give an insight into my work process or projects I am working on.
Because I only write a newsletter when I have really valuable content and I think it’s worth sending. Our mailboxes are already full enough and I don’t want to contribute to more noise and nonsensical information or spam.
There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every newsletter. Clicking on it will take you out of the system.
Can’t find your question? Let me know!