This is the site history, a changelog with an overview of all changes, improvements, new things and more.
August 2024
Version 9.1
- Comments with Avatar All
- I finally fixed on annoying Javascript error if you’ve scrolled on the homepage. Which, if you read well, had is origin back in december 2023.
June 2024
Version 9.0
A new look, new name, a new everything. (Because Rockets are cool!) 🚀
- Dark mode toggle (I got some replies from readers that they want I toggle instead of automatic system settings. So toggle away!
- Support page (All the ways you can support me)
- Bye bye Google. I’ve switched Google Analytics for a privacy friendly option
February 2024
Version 8.2
Oh boy, it’s finally happening! The memberships are here! 🎉
Rockets are cool Plus is the name and for $8 a month (or $80 for a whole year), you can have everything I have to offer. So:
- if you like the site
- if you think rockets are cool
- want to support a solo entrepreneur
December 2023
Version 8.1
A small but important update with a few minor upgrades, bug fixes and a lovely data dashboard on the homepage. Because I can’t get enough of data.
- A nasty Javascript error on the homepage that just didn’t want to be resolved
- I fixed the reading time (it didn’t count the introduction)
- The search filter didn’t work properly
October 2023
Version 8.0
The most important update with this version is that advertisements now appear in the sidebar and at the top of every article. It is of course in beta.
- You can now filter your search results even more
- The pagination no longer worked on the search and articles page
August 2023
Version 7.0
I know, I skipped a few versions, but who cares. I run this outlet on my own so I get to decide. Anyway, there are a few update, mainly under the hood and more specific, updates for later use. (So I can create a membership and make certain content exclusive.)
New features
- Dark mode! Finally it’s here. The website now checks your OS for dark mode and switches automatically.
- All notes now have their own layout
- The search function has been improved. You can now filter based on your search.
- Pagination is now working properly
- The icons now show properly in Safari
- A number of affiliate links did not work properly. Now it is.
July 2022
Version 4.0
A big update with many bug fixes and other small but important improvements.
New features
- New fonts! Changed the sans to Brandon Text and mono to JetBrains Mono
- Created a new layout for the collection pages
- Created a new block on the article with a link to the collection
- Created an overview page for all the collections
- Added Youtube link in the footer
- Added a short link at the bottom of the article
- Notification on the topics page when there is a new article or guide
- Added Whatsapp button to share options
- Adjusted alignment of the buttons for newsletter optin
December 2021
Bug fixes and minor adjustments
This month was mainly dominated by a lot of bug fixes.
- H4 typography modified
November 2021
New user experience
This month I made some small changes.
Links under the articles
A new little experiment on the website. From now on I will publish all links in an article at the bottom of the article itself. This is to create a better reading experience. This way, as a reader, you can simply read the text, as if it were a book, without all the links and the associated switching to other sites.