The very first newsletter
Behold the very first newsletter. After the launch of the website, now comes the first edition of my monthly mail. This first edition will be a short one though.
What to expect?
New articles and recommendations
The question is of course what you can expect with this newsletter. Primarily it will be news from me about upcoming projects and links to the latest blog posts.
In addition, I will also share interesting articles, books, videos, and podcasts, which I think are worth checking out.
Who will be America’s next president?
Find an answer with math and data
Initially, I wanted to write something about COVID-19 and that there is a lot of interesting data to be found. About the exponential growth of people who are infected and how to calculate it with math. Or about the meaning of the numbers R and K.
But I won’t, because, at the time of writing this, the US presidential elections are still in full swing. Anyone who takes the trouble to look through all the news, shouting, and foul-mouthing on social media, will see a mountain of data. For example, I like to look at Alex’s dashboard on GitHub, where the data is scraped from The New York Times. But the overview of The Guardian is also very nice and certainly worth looking at.
And for the real data fanatics, the FiveThirtyEight site is of course an absolute delight. (The same goes for its founder Nate Silver’s book The Signal and the Noise.)
New articles
Read more on the site
Finally, an overview of the latest articles on The site is just live, so there isn’t much to read at the moment. Both some introductory messages about what you can expect on the site.
- New website (11 minutes reading time)
- Data and news (7 minutes reading time)
Let me know what you think
I’d like to hear your opinion
So much for the first newsletter. If you would like to receive this newsletter in your inbox, simply enter your name and e-mail address below and you will receive my emails for free on your digital doormat every month-ish.
Have a nice weekend!

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