The memberships are live!

Rockets are cool Plus

A short but important note that the memberships are finally live. Become a Patreon of Rockets are cool and support my work here.
Written byThijs Moens
August 19, 2024
3 minutes

After a substantial amount of time, I have finally decided to make the memberships live. A great way to support the website. The articles and projects here are funded primarily by readers. If they add value to your life, I would all be honored if you considered joining as a contributing member.

Subscriptions/Patreon model

A form of support

Although I’ve thought about other monetization models, the membership/Patreon way feels the most aligned with me and the website. I did look at several other paid alternatives, but nothing clicked. I have an aversion to advertisements for a variety of reasons and sponsorships don’t really seem appropriate for now.

What is especially important to me is that the content I create is available to anyone who wants to learn. One of the things I like about Khan Academy, for example, is that knowledge is available to everyone.

The idea with the memberships is that when people who get value out of the articles pay for them directly. So I can maintain high quality content. Paywalls would defeat the point of having openly accessible content for all, so instead things work based on some people choosing to pay, and getting a few perks in the process, while the vast majority of readers don’t need to pay to get all the knowledge.

In addition, there is another big advantage for me and that is that people pay for support and quality, which is a nice incentive, instead of having to jump through algorithmic hoops and be clickbait-like. It’s hard to overstate how liberating it is when the only factor influencing the choice of what project to pursue is whether people will find the project itself valuable. It makes it much easier to justify making articles that I know will reach fewer people, but which hopefully are very useful to the people it does reach.

Donations and discount

If memberships are not your thing

If for whatever reason you do not want to become a member, but still want to support me, a donation is of course also very welcome. You can find more about this on the support page.
And if for financial reasons you do not have enough money to pay for a full membership, but would like to become a member, please contact me so we can see if I can accommodate anything.

Become a Plus member

Subscribe today

Last, but not least, take a look at the Rockets are cool Plus page for all membership perks and extras. I am grateful for all the support!

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