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Q&A Friday

Because I did got a lot of questions I thought it would be fun to do a Q&A. And if I like it a lot, maybe one day I'll do a AMA.
Written byThijs Moens
January 19, 2024
7 minutes

A head’s up upfront. For this Q&A I make an exception and will place the links directly in the answers. Otherwise you get a long list of links.

What is the status of the Rockets for sale Shop?

Unfortunately, There were some major hiccups in the process, which slowed the process down. The deadline for now is Summer ’24. Fingers crossed.

Favorite programming language?

I did a lot of programming lately with Python, so I should say Python, but to be honest I don’t really have a favorite language. I dabbled around with C++ (for Unreal), C# (for Unity), Gscript (for Godot), swift (my iPhone apps) and so on.

What’s your favorite book/series/film?

Let me start with film. Based on the number of times I’ve watched a movie, then The Terminal is my favorite film. If I base it on rating then it’s either The Dark Knight or Dunkirk.

My favorite series is easily The Wire, no doubt about it.

My favorite fiction book is probably How to Kill a Mockingbird, The Shadow of the Wind, or I Am Pilgrim. When it comes to Non-fiction, my favorite book is a hard one to decide, because I tend to favorite the latest one I’ve read. But I think I’ll choose Freakonomics.

What’s your favorite YouTube channel?

It changes over time, depending on the topic I am learning. Because I’m currently learning Python and Excel, Python Programmer and Kenji Explains are some of my favorites. I love how JxmyHighroller uses data to create a gripping story. Mustard videos are a delight to watch and when it comes to math, I have a bunch: vcubingx, 3blue1brown, and Tibees.

Oh, and this video is mesmerizing, although I find it difficult to understand it fully.

What tool do you use most?

My Lamy Fountain Pen, because I still really love to write by hand in my Moleskine notebooks. When it comes to tools on my computer, I would say Raycast and BetterSnapTool. But they are more of Utility tools, so I’m not sure that counts. Well, besides my browser, (Which is currently the excellent Arc Browser!) my most used tools are Things 3 and Visual Studio Code.

Psst! On this page, you find all the tools I used and love.

What are your favorite websites for learning math?

Besides YouTube, I like Brilliant and Khan Academy of course.

What’s your favorite blog?

Daring fireball, Kottke, Cabel, Lunchbag, Bartosz Ciechanowski

What’s your favorite game?

I have to admit that I am not much of a gamer. I do like a sports game once in a while, like Madden NFL, NBA by EAsports. The last “big game” I’ve played was Inside. And the last game I’ve played on my phone was Monument Valley and Threes.

Which website do you check everyday?

There are 3 websites I check almost every day. The New York Times for news, Puzzmo for my puzzles addiction and Brilliant for my daily dose of math.

Got a question for me? Just ask and I will answer it here.

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