This is the place where you can share your thoughts, ideas, tips, code, stories, solutions, or research. I’m always looking for a good idea, so bring it on.
Before submitting your idea
A small side note
I want your ideas, your obsessions, the stories, code or research you can’t stop telling everyone about. Don’t worry about what others might think or if it’s a really good idea. Let me worry about that.
The most important thing is that you give me something that you can’t stop thinking about yourself, and that you keep me thinking about it all the time.
Okay, then I’d like to give you some guidelines as well. Although I like thick books, I like short, concise proposals even more. Something around 250 words or less.
- Keep it concrete. I want an idea that I can work with right away.
- It must surprise. Really surprise. Close your eyes and ask yourself the honest question, does this surprise me? Am I scared? Does it remind me of something I’ve never thought about before?
- It helps if it’s not yet a finished idea, code, or solution. So that it still gives some space to work with.
- Another question to think about it can also be, is it confusing? Does it touch the basic belief that many have. Do people say, this can’t be done or possible?
Does this sound good and you are still convinced of your idea? Then be sure to let me know.