Newsletter #6

Back to how it was

The new edition of the newsletter is here to read. It’s been a while I admit, but I hope it is worth reading, so enjoy!
Written byThijs Moens
February 24, 2024
4 minutes

My apologies for not putting out as much content as I would like. It is a recurring theme I’m afraid. But I’m okay with it. I believe I am a slow processor/learner and therefore a slow writer. Although I love to learn and am a firm believer in a Growth Mindset, sometimes you have to accept that certain things are the way they are. So this will be my last apologies.

By the way, I have some good news. We just got back from a lovely vacation in the black Forest of Germany where I had a lot of time to pick up some reading and things I wanted to watch for a long time. So look out for new articles in the coming weeks.

Latest news

Update on everything going on

Unfortunately, there is not much news to report. I’m currently working on new features in the background, but I won’t release this until it actually becomes something. Apart from this cliffhanger, I can report that new articles are coming.

And on a side note, I do have news regarding this newsletter. The newsletter itself is going to change. Until now it was more of a blog post with interesting links and news, but the next time it will just be an email again when I have something new to report. A new article, project, or video.

The reason for this is that I spend too much time on peripheral issues and endlessly scrolling through feeds. As a result, I get less time to do what I really want, namely studying Mathematics and working on my data and computer science skills.

So from now on, no more blog posts, newsletters, or social media updates that don’t bring any value.

Found on the web

Raycast extensions

Raycast is a tool you never knew how much you needed. Spotlight works very well on the Mac, but Raycast is slightly better. And now you can also install all kinds of extensions so that you can directly activate and search within apps on your Mac.

Infinite Craft

I’ve linked to a game before, and this one is just as good. It’s simple and yet addictive because you can combine an infinite number of things.

Robin Rendle

Apart from his writings, it is also a cool website with a nice retro design.

Whisky app

The solution if you want to play Windows games on Steam on your Mac. (Oh dear, there goes my free time.)

On my nightstand

What I’m reading

The Art of Statistics by David Spiegelhalter 

I mentioned this book a few editions ago, but all this time it remained unread on my bedside table. Now I’ve finally started it and when I’ve worked through it I’ll write about it because it’s definitely worth it!

The Journal of Best Practices by David Finch

I recently discovered that I have a form of Asperger Syndrome and my wife gave me this book as a gift. Very recognizable and therefore very useful.

Signature of Thijs


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