Anti spam policy

Nobody likes spam

Rockets are cool sends out a newsletter with updates for free after a visitor has subscribed to it.

Rockets are cool attaches great importance to the regulations surrounding electronic mailings and privacy legislation. I try to prevent spam at all times.

Each subscriber must confirm

That way I’m sure you want the newsletter

When someone subscribes to the newsletter, they still have to activate themselves by clicking on an activation link that is automatically sent after registration. In this way it is prevented that someone is unwanted on the mailing list.

What is spam?

A short explanation

Spam means sending a large number of e-mails to addressees who have not explicitly requested this. All emails in this quantity are broadly similar in content and often contain product promotions, political stance and/or propaganda.

Frequent sending of the same e-mail to an addressee who has not explicitly requested this also falls under spamming. (This applies to both consumers and businesses.)

Rockets are cool will never use or resell the data for any other purpose. Every subscriber can always unsubscribe for free and easily by clicking on the unsubscribe link that is included in every e-mail.