
Rockets are cool and Thijs Moens

Here you will find more information about the website and a short introduction about myself.

About Rockets are cool

A history

Quote about the website

Rockets are cool is my place on the world wide web where I write about everything I find interesting. All with a good dose of curiosity, common sense and a sharp eye.

When creating the articles, I construct a topic in order to figure out how it works. I adhere to the following 6 rules:

  1. I choose a topic that interests me immensely and keeps me awake at night;
  2. I research a ton, to uncover the principles and foundations of a story, guided by the questions it raises
  3. I will keep polishing on my writing style, until I have a complete and clear story.
  4. I prefer quality over quantity because the web is already full of pulp, clickbait, and other unnecessary information
  5. I don’t avoid a topic, because I believe that nothing is boring if you tell it the right way
  6. I always want to learn

About Thijs Moens

A short bio

Polaroid of Thijs Moens

A very short biography about myself, because I believe the content itself is more important than the person who writes it. We all want to become insta-famous and influencers, but not me. I like to work in the shadows.

Born and raised in the Southwest of The Netherlands in a family with an older brother and sister. After high school, I studied Journalism and worked as a journalist for a while.

Computers and researching interesting stuff has always been more of a hobby to me. And to be honest, it still is in some ways.

I live in The Netherlands with my wife and two children. If you have any questions, tips, feedback, or ideas, be sure to let me know. Use the contact page on the website, connect with me on social media, or send me a message with Signal.

I like to hear from you.


Kind of

The website is hosted by Bluehost and runs on WordPress. I designed, built, and animated the theme myself with all modern web technologies, such as HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP, Sass, Node JS, Gulp, Webpack.


All the products and software that I use

If you are curious about all the products, tools, apps, and software that I use, you will find an overview with links here.

View all the tools and software